Winter WANT General Meeting on December 10

The next WANT General Meeting will be held on December 10th at 7:30pm at Edgewater Historical Society (5358 N. Ashland). To celebrate the holiday season, we'll be having a dessert potluck! Bring some cookies or other treats to share, or just come along to enjoy your neighbors' baking skills - all are welcome.

We will be discussing the proposed expansion of the Passages charter school and voting on WANT's position on the proposal. Remember that only members can vote, so if this issue is important to you, please make sure to join WANT and attend this meeting. If you join WANT now, your membership will be good through 2014.

We will also be following up on many of the issues raised at our last meeting, including the status of the Trumbull School building and traffic issues throughout the neighborhood.

In addition, we will vote on proposed amended bylaws and on a budget for 2014; the bylaws are the same as the last set proposed, with a slight tweak to the term of the board. All residents, regardless of membership status, are welcome at our meetings, so please attend and make your voice heard!

Events, WANT Newsravenswood