Ghostly Garden 2014 on October 25th

ghostly garden headline Ghostly Garden, West Andersonville's annual non-scary Halloween event for families with small children, will be held on Saturday, October 25, 2014, from 5:30 to 6:30pm. The event will be held in the West Andersonville gardens - it's best to enter the garden at Berwyn (two blocks north of Foster) and Ravenswood.

Please join us at this community event as we stroll the decorated garden path, play games, and enjoy treats. It's a great chance for kids (and adults!) to premiere their Halloween costumes as we celebrate the spirit of the season.

If you'd like to donate a carved pumpkin, help decorate the path, or dress in non-scary costume to help facilitate the event, please contact organizer Clare Reter (773.320.5396 or And if you know an individual or business who might help sponsor Ghostly Garden this year, please contact Clare for more information. It's a great way to reach the more than 200 neighbors and parents who attend.

Events, WANT Newsravenswood