Ward Night 7/18: Connected Communities Ordinance and eTOD

Dear Neighbors -

During the June 8th General Membership meeting, many members expressed concerns about reporting on a Connected Communities Ordinance and changes to Equitable Transit Oriented Development policy proposed by Mayor Lori Lightfoot. A public draft of the legislation has not yet been made available, but will likely be put forward in City Council on Wednesday, July 20th. Given this timing, we wanted to remind you of Ward Nights in the 40th Ward.

Alderperson Vasquez has consistently made himself available to all residents of the 40th ward through Ward Nights, as well as Quarterly Townhall events. The next ward night is scheduled for Monday, July 18th from 5-7pm in the ward office. Alderperson Vasquez has acknowledged the concerns raised, already addressed some during the recent Townhall, and will attempt to answer questions and address what he can related to this issue.

Ward Nights are currently in-person at the ward office and are managed on a first come, first served basis. We are working to see if we can provide an option to allow for virtual participation after 6pm and will forward details if this works out. If an update is available, we will post it here

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