Next WANT General Meeting September 26th
Our next WANT General Meeting will be held Thursday, September 26th, at 7:30pm. The meeting will be at Edgewater Historical Society at Balmoral and Ashland. We will cover business both new and old, including updates on the disposition of Trumbull School, remaining traffic issues in the neighborhood, and the election of the 2014 Board. The slate of nominees for the board are: President: Michael Fick Vice-President: Maia Rigas Secretary: Josh Bucher Treasurer: Cameron Krieger Members-at-Large: Amanda Dykema-Engblade, Elizabeth Dowling, Debby Pope
We will also be proposing amendments to WANT's bylaws; the proposed new bylaws are available here. The proposed amendments are minimal and mainly address two issues: (1) updating dollar amounts to reflect the passing of thirty years since the founding of WANT; and (2) ensuring the organization's fiscal year and board term run on the calendar year. We will be voting on these new bylaws at the September meeting, so please attend if you have questions!